

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Campus Shooting

Please make du'aa for our brother and sister who were shot at the Virginia Tech campus shooting yesterday, as well as all of the students, teachers and their families who were affected.

---------- Forwarded message ---------

Salam 'Alaykum,

As we keep praying for Allah SWT to help and protect the members of
the Virginia Tech community, and people everywhere, we must also take
this time to remember and pray for the loss of a member of the
Virginia Tech Muslim community, Sister Reema. May Allah SWT have mercy
on her and grant her the highest levels of Jannah, and ease this time
on her family and the other families and students in their community.

In shaa Allah tonight (Tuesday) HIS will be holding Salat Al-Janazah
(Funeral Prayer) in the Musalla at 9:05 PM, right after we pray Isha
at 8:55 for our sister.

Please also keep in your dua's another member of the Virginia Tech
Muslim community, Brother Waleed, who was shot and is currently in
critical condition. May Allah SWT speed his recovery and grant his
family and all others patience and strength through this time and


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sisters' classes in Garden Grove, CA.

Assalamu Alaykum WB,

Islamic Society of Orange County would like to invite all Sisters to a
Mothers of the Believers class series with Ustadha Shamira Chothia,
Please feel free to fwd to your Mothers, Wives & Sisters
We look forward to seeing you soon.