

Friday, June 30, 2006

Generation M: Make a Difference!

This past weekend, Sat. June 24th, I attended Generation M: the largest Muslim youth event in the Bay Area. It took place in San Francisco's Union Square and it was quite amazing. The day went really well, Alhamdulillah. A group of students and I traveled after our sisters' fiqh class from Zaytuna on the BART and arrived in SF less than an hour later. We thought we would all be quite late since the event was supposed to start at noon, but luckily lunch and prayer time had pushed the schedule back a little.

The event was open to the public, but a colorful array of hijabs painted the scene. It was truly beautiful. Non-Muslims, Muslims, male and female, from all different cultures and backgrounds gathered on that day to see what kind of positive impact they could effect on the community and the world at large. I pray that we were all motivated to make a difference.

If you attended, please leave a comment on what struck you the most and what you intend to do to better the society we live in.


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