Update: The exhibition has been cancelled! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6513155.stm
Assalamu alaykum
As we approach the day when our Blessed Prophet Muhamad sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam was born, and many will increase their rejoice of him being sent to us, we must also turn to another very important matter; Preserving the sanctity of all our Prophets.
I was shocked to read on BBC news that a New York art gallery housed in the Roger Smith Hotel will be presenting a sculpture, on Monday April 1st, made from chocolate of our Blessed Prophet Jesus alayhis salam ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6509127.stm ). The article points out that this will be the first time the depiction of Jesus alayhis salam will be done without a loin cloth. In other words, a nude statue of our Prophet Jesus alayhis salam. To add injury to insult, they will invite the public to eat the statue on Good Friday.
Muslims have come out by the millions to protect the dignity of our Prophet Muhammad whenever the corrupt people throw their insults. We have affected the economy of a small European nation through our boycotts. We have even stood up when some intended good, but lacked proper respect. An effigy of the Prophet Muhammad sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam put on a United States Supreme Court building COMMERATING the GREAT lawmakers in history had the face blotched out because the Muslims said it was a desecration. We must continue our unwavering protection for his dignity using all permissible (in the Shariah) and legal (in the countries we reside in) means. We must also stand up whenever any other Prophet of God is treated in an unacceptable way.
Many of us read daily the last verse of the Chapter of Baqarah, reaffirming our beliefs. In it we proclaim that "We do not distinguish between any of His [God's] Messengers". This means that we do not consider some to be Prophets and deny the prophet-hood of others. In the same light, we do not protect the dignity of some Prophets and not others. We stand up for the sanctity of all the Prophets of God alayhimus salam.
We have seen the desecration of our Prophets upon them be peace too many times. The only ones standing up to protect the sanctity of Jesus peace be upon him are usually the Christian or Catholic groups. The main group standing in this case is the Catholic League. They are voicing their beliefs and calling for a boycott of the hotel housing the gallery. Catholic League spokeswoman, Kiera McCaffrey, said that "no one would dare display a naked chocolate Muhammad during Ramadan, but Christians apparently are fair game." The Christians stand up for him because he is sacred to them. He is also a Prophet of the Muslims and we must be the first to stand up for his protection in whatever legal way we can. We have the blessing here in the United States of free speech and the right to assembly. We must use our rights now. We must be protectors for our Prophet Jesus peace be upon him like those he called out to saying "Who will be my protectors?". We must be Ansar, protectors and do what we can to protect him.
There are things that every Muslim can do, we must act quickly as the unveiling is on Monday April 1st.
The first is pray that Allah foils the plans of these corrupt people and prevents the display of the sculpture. O Allah veil our beloved Prophet Jesus alayhis salam just as you veiled him from those who intended to crucify him!
Secondly, pass this e-mail to everyone in your address book and have them forward it to everyone they know.
Third, call the hotel and voice your anger at the display. The hotel has been amazed by the number of calls they have already received from angry people and are considering their options about the display. Roger Smith Hotel: 1-800-445-0277.
Fourth: For those in the New York City area, organize a peaceful protest at the hotel this weekend and during the week. Make sure to contact the local law enforcement agencies to ensure that you do not break any laws. The address of the Hotel is 501 Lexington Ave Manhattan New York.
Fifth: Contact all Muslim organizations and have them make announcements, especially during Friday Prayers on March 30, 2007.
And our success is from Allah.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatul Allah.
Rami Nsour
Hayward, California
Friday, March 30, 2007
Our Blessed Prophet Isa (as)..Action Needed!
Monday, March 26, 2007
One day I decided to quit... I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...
I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied.
He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo.
"Your time will come, "God said to me. " You will rise high!"
"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.
Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experiences. Both are essential to life. Keep going...
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
but Only God keeps You Going!
-From an email, Source Unknown
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
How to Compromise Effectively
Psychology Today
The Art of Negotiation
Want a bigger paycheck? A better marriage? How to get what you want at the conference table or the kitchen table.
- Listen First "There's a saying among negotiators that whoever talks the most during a negotiation loses," says Bobby Covic, author of Everything's Negotiable! Being the first one to listen is crucial to building trust. Just getting the listening part of a negotiation right can satisfy many of the core concerns Shapiro cites.
However, listening—really paying attention to what the other person has to say—is hard. Gregorio Billikopf, a negotiator for the University of California system, offers several good listening practices:
- Sit Down
This signals to the other person that time will be spent to hear their side. Never ask someone to talk if there isn't enough time to listen.
- Find Common Ground
Approach the other person by talking about a neutral topic of mutual interest—say, baseball or knitting. It helps both parties relax and starts the flow of conversation. Transition to the problem by saying, "I want to talk about an issue important to me, but first I want to hear what you have to say about it."
- Move In
Leaning in to the conversation indicates interest. Head nods also help in letting the other side know their thoughts are being followed. But constant nodding or saying "right" over and over will seem insincere.
- Keep Your Cool
Experts agree on ground rules for communicating problems—no yelling and no walking away.
- Be Brief
Don't go on and on, says Billikopf. He also suggests avoiding words such as "we disagree," a phrase that throws a person to the defensive.
- Forget Neutrality
Trying to control your emotions usually backfires, says Shapiro. The other person can read anger and frustration in a wrinkled forehead or a tense mouth, and negative emotions ruin negotiations. Instead, mine the situation to find whatever positive emotions can be brought to the table—like letting a spouse who's fallen behind on his end of the chores know that his hard work is admirable and the extra money he's earning is appreciated.
- Avoid Empty Threats
Intimidation can be powerful—but use it sparingly. Empty threats will diminish the other person's respect for you.
- Don't Yield
Caving on important issues may seem noble, says Billikopf, but it ruins a relationship. "You're not asking the other person to consider your point of view," he says. Instead, look for compromises. Compromise is like stretching. Stop doing it and pretty soon there's no way to bend at all
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Ahead of Iraq Deployment, 37 Korean Troops Convert to Islam![]() | ||||||||
"I became a Muslim because I felt Islam was more humanistic and peaceful than other religions. And if you can religiously connect with the locals, I think it could be a big help in carrying out our peace reconstruction mission." So said on Friday those Korean soldiers who converted to Islam ahead of their late July deployment to the Kurdish city of Irbil in northern Iraq. At noon Friday, 37 members of the Iraq-bound "Zaitun Unit," including Lieutenant Son Hyeon-ju of the Special Forces 11th Brigade, made their way to a mosque in Hannam-dong, Seoul and held a conversion ceremony.
The soldiers, who cleansed their entire bodies in accordance with Islamic tradition, made their conversion during the Friday group prayers at the mosque, with the assistance of the "imam," or prayer leader. With the exception of the imam, all the Muslims and the Korean soldiers stood in a straight line to symbolize how all are equal before God and took a profession on faith. They had memorized the Arabic confession, " Ashadu an La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah," which means, "I testify that there is no god but God (Arabic: Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger of God."
Moreover, as the faithful face the "Kaaba," the Islamic holy place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, all Muslims confirm that they are brothers. For those Korean soldiers who entered the Islamic faith, recent chances provided by the Zaitun Unit to come into contact with Islam proved decisive. Taking into consideration the fact that most of the inhabitants of Irbil are Muslims, the unit sent its unreligious members to the Hannam-dong mosque so that they could come to understand Islam. Some of those who participated in the program were entranced by Islam and decided to convert. A unit official said the soldiers were inspired by how important religious homogeneity was considered in the Muslim World; if you share religion, you are treated not as a foreigner, but as a local, and Muslims do not attack Muslim women even in war. Zaitun Unit Corporal Paek Seong-uk (22) of the Army's 11th Division said, "I majored in Arabic in college and upon coming across the Quran, I had much interest in Islam, and I made up my mind to become a Muslim during this religious experience period [provided by the Zaitun Unit]." He expressed his aspirations. "If we are sent to Iraq, I want to participate in religious ceremonies with the locals so that they can feel brotherly love and convince them that the Korean troops are not an army of occupation but a force deployed to provide humanitarian support." Article Source: Click Here. |
Boy Genius in India
May our children, and each of the forthcoming generations, be able to be the torchbearers of righteousness and be able to contribute to society in the best of ways, with their faith and taqwa (God consciousness) as their guides. Ameen.
Years ago, footage emerged from a remote village in India. The video shows a young girl receiving surgery to separate her fingers, which were badly burned and fused together. Why did this operation make headlines around the world? The surgery was performed by a 7-year-old boy named Akrit Jaswal.
Now 13 years old, Akrit has an IQ of 146 and is considered the smartest person his age in India—a country of more than a billion people. Before Akrit could even speak, his parents say they knew he was special.
"He learned very fast," says Raksha, Akrit's mother. "After learning the alphabet, we started to teach him joining of words, and he started writing as well. He was two."
At an age when most children are learning their ABCs, Akrit was reading Shakespeare and assembling a library of medical textbooks. When he was 5 years old, he enrolled in school. One year later, Akrit was teaching English and math classes.
Akrit developed a passion for science and anatomy at an early age. Doctors at local hospitals took notice and started allowing him to observe surgeries when he was 6 years old. Inspired by what he saw, Akrit read everything he could on the topic. When an impoverished family heard about his amazing abilities, they asked if he would operate on their daughter for free. Her surgery was a success.
After the surgery, Akrit was hailed as a medical genius in India. Neighbors and strangers flocked to him for advice and treatment. At age 11, Akrit was admitted to Punjab University. He's the youngest student ever to attend an Indian university. That same year, he was also invited to London's famed Imperial College to exchange ideas with scientists on the cutting edge of medical research.
Akrit says he has millions of medical ideas, but he's currently focused on developing a cure for cancer. "I've developed a concept called oral gene therapy on the basis of my research and my theories," he says. "I'm quite dedicated towards working on this mechanism."
Growing up, Akrit says he used to see cancer patients lying on the side of the road because they couldn't afford treatment or hospitals had no space for them. Now, he wants to use his intellect to ease their suffering. "[I've been] going to hospitals since the age of 6, so I have seen firsthand people suffering from pain," he says. "I get very sad, and so that's the main motive of my passion about medicine, my passion about cancer."
Currently, Akrit is working toward a bachelor's degrees in zoology, botany and chemistry. Someday, he hopes to continue his studies at Harvard University.
-Source Unknown
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Prophetic Medicine: Siwak and Dental Hygiene
Prophetic Medicine: Siwak and Dental Hygiene
By Dr. Hossam Arafa
Most Commonly Documented Prophetic Remedies Siwak and Dental Hygiene
A variety of oral hygiene measures have been performed since the dawn of time. This has been verified by various excavations throughout the world where toothpicks, chew-sticks, twigs, linen strips, birds' feathers, animal bones and porcupine quills were recovered.Those that originated from plants, although primitive, represent a transitional step towards the modern toothbrush. About 17 different plants have be used as natural instruments of oral hygiene.The most widely used twig since early times is the Siwak or Miswak.
The stick is obtained from a plant called salvadore persica that grows around Makkah and in the Middle East in general. Although there is no reference to the use of the siwak in the Qur'an, there are several hadith mentioning the benefits of siwak in maintaining oral hygiene; hence, it has been used widely among Muslims since the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In this respect, our Prophet (pbuh) can be considered among the first dental instructors of proper oral hygiene.
Composition: Salvadora persica is a small tree or shrub with a crooked trunk that is seldom more than one foot in diameter. It has scabrous and cracked bark, and is whitish with pendulous branches. The root bark is light brown and the inner surfaces are white. It has an odorlike cress, and its taste is warm and pungent. To ascertain its chemical composition, the air-dried stem bark of salvadora persica was extracted with 80% alcohol and then ether, and underwent exhaustive chemical procedures which indicated that it is composed of trim ethylamine, an alkaloid which may be salvadorine, chlorides, high amounts of fluoride and silica, sulfur, Vitamin C and small quantities of tannins, saponins, fiavenoids andsterols.
Repeated use of siwak during the day produces an unusually high level of oral cleanliness. It has been proven that plaque is formed immediately after eating. After 24 hours, it starts to act on the teeth. However, it can be eliminated through meticulous tooth-brushing. Proper oral hygiene should be taught by dentists, but it requires a person's time and dexterity. Among those Muslims who ritually practice the use of siwak, rigid oral hygiene by a dentist may not be required.Siwak and other twigs can be effective in removing soft oral deposits. They can even be promoted as effective instruments in oral health and dental programs for the population at large. There is evidence that salvadora persica contains antibacterial properties. Some other components are astringents, detergents and abrasives. These properties encourage some toothpaste laboratories (Beckenham, UK, Sarakan Ltd.) to incorporate powdered stems and/or root material of salvadora persica in their products. Although commercial powders may be highly efficient in plaque removal, their use has been shown in a survey to cause a high incidence of gingivitis. Plaque eradication is essential, but it should not be in a manner that creates negative side effects for other tissues.
In conclusion, siwak and powdered siwak are excellent tools for oral cleanliness. They are highly recommended in preventive dental health programs in Muslim countries. Recommendations should be made to manufacturers of toothpaste to include the powdered form of siwak in an abrasive form of toothpaste.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Prophetic Guidance on Going to Bed



Walaikum assalam,
Imam Ahmad reported that Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with him) said, “The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) passed by a man who was lying on his stomach, so he poked him with his leg and said, ‘This is a posture that Allah the Mighty and Majestic does not like.’” It was also reported by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, and there are many other hadiths in the major collections that support this.
Because of this, it is mentioned in Imam al-Barkawi’s manual on the path of taqwa, al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyya:
“And it is disliked to lie on one’s stomach without an excuse..”
Imam al-Khadimi added in his commentary:
“Sleeping on one’s back is the sleep of the prophets, who contemplate the creation of the heavens and earth [f: when without a roof on their heads]; sleep on the right side is the sleep of scholars and worshippers; sleep on the left is the sleep of kings to digest food; and sleeping on one’s face is the sleep of devils and the unbelievers.” ( al-Bariqa al-Mahmudiyya fi Sharh al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyya, 4: 177)
In the Fatawa al-Hindiyya, a brilliant collection of relied upon positions within the Hanafi school, gathered by a committee of scholars commissioned by the righteous Moghul emperor, Aurangzeb, it is stated that,
“It is recommended to take advantage of the afternoon nap (qaylula), for the Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, “Take afternoon naps, for the devils do not take afternoon naps,” as mentioned in al-Ghayathiyya… It is recommended for one to sleep in a state of ritual purity, and to lie on one’s right side, facing the qibla for a while [f: at least, and then, if it is difficult to fall asleep on one’s right] then one may sleep on one’s left side [f: without it being considered sub-optimal], as mentioned in al-Sirajiyya.
It is disliked to sleep early in the morning, and between maghrib and isha [f: because it would normally lead to one missing isha in congregation, otherwise, it is not disliked though still better not to do]. It has been mentioned in some works that no sleep was more beloved to Sayyiduna Ali (Allah be pleased with him) than sleep [right] after isha before the last of the night. One’s sleep should be on a bed that is mid-way between being soft and hard [f: as this prevents excessively deep sleep that could make one miss prayer or tahajjud, while being reasonably comfortable]. One should take one’s right hand as a pillow under one’s cheek. One should bring to mind that one will be [similarly] placed in the grave, lying on one’s side, alone with nothing but one’s works… If one is full and fears stomach pain, it is not wrong to place a pillow under one’s stomach and to sleep on it.
One should make remembrance of Allah (dhikr) when going to sleep, saying the tahlil (‘la ilaha illa Allah’), tahmid (‘alhamdu lillah’) and tasbih (‘subhan Allah’) [f: after having recited the specific Prophetic invocations recommended before sleep] until sleep overcomes one, for the sleeper is resurrected according to how he fell asleep and the one who dies according to the state he died in.
One should get up before fajr, for the earth complains to Allah from the ghusl of the adulterer, and from blood unlawfully spilled on it, and from sleep after fajr time [comes in].
One should wake up making remembrance of Allah [f: the best of which are the specific Prophetic invocations], and with a firm resolve to have taqwa from that which Allah has prohibited, and determined not to wrong any of Allah’s servants, as mentioned in al-Ghara’ib. "[ al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 5: 376]
Among the sunnas of waking are:
1. To say ‘La Ilaha illa Allah’, then ‘Alhamdulillah’ three times, then Alhamdulillahi alladhi ahyana ba`da ma amatana wa ilayhi an-nushur (All praise is to Allah who gave us life after death, and to Him is the final return). [Bukhari, Abu Dawud, and others]
2. It is good to rub the face and eyes with both hands, to get rid of the effects of sleep, as mentioned in Shama’il al-Tirmidhi
3. It is recommended to brush one’s teeth, ideally using a tooth-stick (miswak), because of hadiths to this effect in Ahmad’s Musnad in in Abu Dawud’s Sunan.
And all good, in this world and the next, may be found in following the way of the Beloved of Allah (upon him be the best of blessings and most perfect of peace). And all success is from Allah.
Faraz Rabbani
You wrapping yourself! A reminder...
You wrapping yourself,
stand through the night, except a little-
half, or a little less,
or more; and chant the Qur'an rhythmically:
for We will send you a weighty word.
Indeed, rising by night is most intense as a discipline,
and most appropriate
for receptivity to the Word.
You do have a long course during the day,
yet remember the name of God,
and devote yourself wholly to God,
Lord of the East and the West-
there is no other deity,
so take God as a guardian,
and endure what they say patiently,
and remain aloof from them
with a graceful detachment.
And leave Me to the scoffers who have comfort and convenience,
and give them a little time,
for We have fetters and fire,
and choking food,
and a painful punishment,
the day the earth quakes,
and the mountains too,
with the mountains turning
to disintegrating dunes.
We have sent you a messenger
as a witness regarding you,
as We sent a messenger to Pharaoh;
Pharaoh defied the messenger,
so We punished him severely:
so how will you be wary, if you scoff,
of a day that will make children grey,
and the sky split apart?
That promise will inevitably be fulfilled.
This is a reminder;
let whoever will
take a path to his Lord.
Your Lord does know
that you stand in vigil
nearly two thirds of the night,
or half or a third,
and so does a group
of those with you.
And God regulates
the night and the day,
knowing you won't calculate it,
thus letting up on you.
So read as much as is easy from the Qur'an.
God knows there will be those among you are who are sick,
and others traveling the land
seeking the bounty of God,
and others fighting fo the sake of God:
so read as much of it as is easy,
and pray regularly and give alms,
lending a good loan to God.
For whatever good you advance
for the sake of your souls,
you will find it with God,
who is best and greatest in recompense.
And seek forgiveness form God,
For God is the epitome of
forgiveness and mercy.
*** 73: Surah Muzammil ***
translation: by Thomas Cleary
Friday, March 09, 2007
The Prophet's Hands (s.a.w)
That the hands of Muhammad Upon Him be Peace
Were soft over the heads of children
The Prophet's Hands worked in the struggle for peace
Built places of prayer, held the sword of battle, and grasped
The hands of enemies with honor and goodwill and treaties of peace
The Prophet's hands dug the earth to bury the dead
And dug the earth to protect the living
His palms, smooth as silk, rejected the bribe of sun and moon
Remaining free and open to carry loads for neighbours, comfort his family
caress his wife, and jestfully covered the eyes of his companion
in a moment of marketplace merriment
The Prophet's hands were real
The Prophet's example was true
The Prophet's hands are gone
The Prophet's example lives on
Transforming Islam's Holiest Site
Reading this seriously made me feel quite sick to my stomach...
The Price of Progress: Transforming Islam's Holiest Site
The NY Times
MECCA, Saudi Arabia — Five times a day across the
globe devout Muslims face this city in prayer, focused
on a site where they believe Abraham built a temple to
God. The spot is also the place Muslims are expected
to visit at least once in their lives.
Tamara Abdul Hadi for The New York Times
A huge project is under way near the Kaaba, in the
Grand Mosque, altering the skyline at Islam's holiest
site. The Abraj al Bait Mall will bring an amusement
park ride, fast food and a lingerie shop to the
For full article, click Here.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Bearers of Musk
"The example of a good companion and a bad one is the bearer of musk and the worker on the fires. A bearer of musk would give you some, you might buy some from him, or you might enjoy the fragrance of his musk. The worker on the fires, on the other hand, might spoil your clothes with sparks from his bellows, or you get a bad smell from him." Bukhari and Muslim
Who are the top 5 people you hang out with? List them. Now look at their qualities and you'll notice that you are a product of the sum of them. Do they have the outstanding qualities that you seek? If not, then it's time to find some bearers of musk that you can truly smell great from.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Muslim Guy Shortage!?
![]() |
A SISTER WRITES: "I've noticed in our Muslim communities that there are plenty of single, religious, educated, Muslim sisters, yet there is a great lack of like-minded brothers available for marriage. Thus, we have sisters in their late 20's and 30's who desire to get married but cannot find a suitable prospective." Why do you think this is the case? Is it due to the Muslim brothers not bothering about the Deen so they are not at par with active, religious sisters? Or do you think it's a demographical problem? What do you think? JOIN MECCAONE THIS THURSDAY WITH IMAM ZAID SHAKIR, UM HASSAN, AND YOU, THE LISTENERS FOR AN IMPORTANT DISCUSSION, DEBATE, & DIALOGUE! Thursday, March 8th, 2007 5-6pm on 90.5 FM KSJS San Jose, CA Live World-Wide CALL IN LIVE! 408.924.5757 |
Monday, March 05, 2007
Saturday, March 03, 2007
No Time!
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees.
My Muslim duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease.
All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer.
No time to speak of Allah to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.
No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time, the time to die.
I went before the Lord,
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God held a book;
It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said
Your name I cannot find.
I once was going to write it down...
But never found the time"
-Poet Unknown
Thursday, March 01, 2007
natural vanilla
vanilla extract
natural flavors
She mentioned we would be safer if we stick with flavors such as chocolate, coffee, etc (except the flavors that mention rum or any other clear, alcoholic ingredient on their packaging)
Choc. chips are fine to have (ex: choc choc chip) since they do not contain alcohol.
May Allah swt make it easy for us and increase us in taqwa. Ameen
The New World Order vs. Islam?
by Mark Glenn
It would shock and probably offend most Americans to learn the truth that
the reason they are here, their power, their affluence and position in the
world is directly because of the Islamic religion and the Arab culture.
That’s right, the very "ragheads" and "Hajis" (as Limbaugh, Liddy, and some
of the others often call them) that the US is now fighting are directly
responsible for the preeminence and power of not just the United States, but
of the entire Western world in general...
...What will gall Americans even more, especially those who call themselves
Christian, is the idea that it may be the Arab and Muslim culture that will
be not only the birthplace of Western Civilization, but the savior of it as
For the full article click here:
Mark Glenn is an American and former high school teacher turned writer /
commentator. He contributed above article to Media Monitors Network (MMN).
by courtesy & © 2003
Mark Glenn
Beautiful Intention & Reminder for Mothers
life even more dependent on her personal sacrifices. By the
second, third, or fourth child, her days and nights belong
almost entirely to others. Whether she has a spiritual path or
not, such a mother can seldom resist a glance at the past, when
there were more prayers, more meanings, more spiritual company,
and more serenity. When Allah opens her understanding, she will
see that she is engaged in one of the highest forms of worship,
that of producing new believers who love and worship Allah.
She is effectively worshipping Allah for as many lifetimes she
has children, for the reward of every spiritual work her children
do will be hers, without this diminishing anything of their own
rewards: every ablution, every prayer, every Ramadan, every
hajj, and even the works her children will in turn pass on to
their offspring, and, so on till the end of time. Even if her
children do not turn out as she wishes, she shall be requited in
paradise forever according to her intention in raising them,
which was that they should be godly.
Aside from the tremendous reward, within the path itself it is
noticeable that many of those who benefit most from khalwa or
"solitary retreat of dhikr" are women who have raised children.
With only a little daily dhikr and worship over the years, but
much toil and sacrifice for others, they surpass many a younger
person who has had more free time, effort, and "spiritual
works." What they find is greater because their state with Allah
is greater; namely, the awe, hope, and love of the Divine they
have realized by years of sincerity to Him. May Allah(swt)
grant us all patience with out children and raise them as good,
pious, godly people, Ameen.
-Nuh Ha Mim